Tree Pruning
Tree pruning can serve a variety of purposes including health, safety and appearance. We offer pruning services with our state-of-the-art equipment and the knowledge and experience of our Certified Arborists. Our pruning work is guided by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A-300 Standards, the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and the Massachusetts Arborist Association (MAA).
5 Reasons to Prune
Safety. Protect people and property.
Health. Suppress insects and disease.
Structure. Reduce chances of failure.
Appearance. Improve flower, fruit and beauty.
Function. Improve views or sight lines, retain screening, encourage sunlight and air circulation, clear structures and keep plants in scale with the landscape.
Vista Pruning
Vista pruning is selective, directed pruning and removals to improve distant vistas or woodland views. Our Certified Arborists and experienced climbers provide this service often using aerial lifts and radio communication with staff on the ground to ensure your needs are met.